March 19, 2020

Happy first day of spring! Alexandra has recorded another audio market message for today to continue to keep our clients informed as things unfold.

The financial situation continues to be challenging.  Here are key takeaway points:

  1. We continue to take a more conservative stance with our investments.
  2. We think Treasuries are becoming the safest place to be right now based on what we are seeing with REPO and money markets.
  3. Our indicators tell us a “bounce” is coming (market going back up temporarily), and when it does, we will move even more to treasuries to protect your assets in the near term.
  4. IMPORTANT: We are seeing high risk indicators in the banking sector and recommend that none of our clients keep more than $250k in cash savings at banks right now (this is the max protected by the FDIC).

Here are things we are currently watching:

  1. We are paying attention to the flattening of the virus spread in China and a returning to work. We are hoping that this continues and becomes global, which could signal a return in our economy (and global health recovery!)
  2. We are watching the government’s response in terms of bailouts, etc and monitoring that impact on the economy.
  3. We are closely watching REPOs and overnight cash markets, as well as bond spreads.

We hope you are staying safe and calm. In this time of social distancing, we also wish you comfort and authentic, loving connection.

We continue to watch the markets carefully and thoughtfully, taking action based on 33 years of riding economic waves. Thank you for your trust and the opportunity to love and guide you through uncertain times. 

Please feel welcome to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Best regards,

The Willow Team
+1 413 236 2980

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