March 16, 2020

As a first measure, we wanted to update our clients on what we are doing as a company to keep our employees healthy and safe during this time. We are taking all necessary and appropriate measures to ensure that we can keep ourselves strong and healthy to serve you.

We have implemented several protocols:

  1. The office remains open, but we have closed the door to outside visitors. All deliveries are being left outside and we are regularly sanitizing and cleaning the environment around us. 
  2. Employees who are feeling sick, vulnerable or showing signs of illness are working remotely and practicing self-quarantine.
  3. We are requesting that all client meetings move to phone and video conference for the time being.
  4. We have limited all corporate travel and events.

Health and safety of ourselves, our families, our clients and the world around us is #1. By doing this, we ensure that we are here to protect and manage your money.

There are 4 key market updates for today, March 16, 2020:

  1. Fed lowered rates to nearly 0% over the weekend. We see this decision (and the weekend movement) as an indicator of heightened stress in the financial system – more than the media is indicating.
  2. Charts and data are beginning to also show significant stress in the economy.
  3. Feds increased their REPO position (they upped their repurchasing volume) which did cause markets to respond favorably, although minimally.
  4. We took advantage of this bump to raise more cash in our portfolios. We are now operating at roughly 45% equities across our entire portfolio.
  5. If there is no continued relief and improvement tomorrow, we will continue to become more conservative in our investment strategy.

We continue to watch everything carefully and thoughtfully, with “ice in our veins,” so that we can take wise, calm and non-reactive action. Thank you for your trust and the opportunity to love and guide you through uncertain times. 

Please feel welcome to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Best regards,

The Willow Team
+1 413 236 2980

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